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Windows file protection switcher free downloadWindows file protection switcher free download.Recommended Posts
Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws.
In Softonic we scan all the files hosted on our platform to assess and avoid any potential harm for your device. Our team performs checks each time a new file is uploaded and periodically reviews files to confirm or update their status. This comprehensive process allows us to set a status for any downloadable file as follows:. We have scanned the file and URLs associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world's leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected.
Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are possibly false positives. It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus program.
FindeXer 4. MyFolders 5. RocketDock 4. HDHacker 3. Switch Desktop 3. Puran Utilities 4. Your review for Switcher. This is embarrassing Try this instead. You can use it to recover a lost password of your Internet connection or VPN. MessenPass v1. AsterWin IE v1. You can use it for recovering a lost web site password, if it's stored on your computer. Source code is included! Network Monitoring Tools SmartSniff v2. WifiChannelMonitor also allows you to view the information about wifi clients that are not connected to any access points, including the list of SSIDs network names that they are trying to connect.
NetworkTrafficView v2. AppNetworkCounter v1. LiveTcpUdpWatch v1. PingInfoView v2. It automatically ping to all hosts every number of seconds that you specify, and displays the number of succeed and failed pings, as well as the average ping time.
WifiInfoView v2. When you select a wireless network in the upper pane of this tool, the lower pane displays the Wi-Fi information elements received from this device, in hexadecimal format. WifiInfoView also has a summary mode, which displays a summary of all detected wireless networks, grouped by channel number, company that manufactured the router, PHY type, or the maximum speed. WifiDiagnosticsView v1.
When a failure is detected, the error code and error description is displayed. TCPConnectProblemView also allows you to automatically close any TCP socket with no response from the server, in order to decrease the time you wait for any software to display an error message IPv4 only. SocketSniff v1. You can also watch the content of each send or receive call, in Ascii mode or as Hex Dump.
CurrPorts v2. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process product name, file description, and so on , the time that the process was created, and the user that created it. ProcessTCPSummary v1. NetworkConnectLog v1. NetworkLatencyView v1. For every IP address, NetworkLatencyView displays up to 10 network latency values, and their average.
The latency value calculated by NetworkLatencyView is very similar to the result you get from pinging to the same IP address. DNSLookupView v1. DNSQuerySniffer v1. WhoIsConnectedSniffer v1.
Wireless Network Watcher v2. For every computer or device that is connected to your network, the following information is displayed: IP address, MAC address, the company that manufactured the network card, and optionally the computer name.
NetworkUsageView v1. WakeMeOnLan v1. When your computers are turned on, WakeMeOnLan allows you to scan your network, and collect the MAC addresses of all your computers, and save the computers list info a file.
Later, when your computers are turned off or in standby mode, you can use the stored computers list to easily choose the computer you want to turn on, and then turn on all these computers with a single click. WakeMeOnLan also allows you to turn on a computer from command-line, by specifying the computer name, IP address, or the MAC address of the remote network card. NetworkCountersWatch v1.
You can also initialize all counters to zero at any time in order to watch the network counters for specific event. NetworkCountersWatch also calculates and displays the current download speed and upload speed on your network interface. WifiHistoryView v1. WifiHistoryView can read the wifi history information from a running system or from external event log file of another computer. NetworkOpenedFiles v1.
NetBScanner v1. NetBScanner also shows whether a computer is a Master Browser. WirelessNetView v1. IPNeighborsView v1. IPPathTableView v1. WirelessConnectionInfo v1. AdapterWatch v1. NetResView v1. NetRouteView v1. It displays the list of all routes on your current network, including the destination, mask, gateway, interface IP address, metric value, type, protocol, age in seconds , interface name, and the MAC address.
NetRouteView also allows you to easily add new routes, as well as to remove or modify existing static routes. CountryTraceRoute v1.
CountryTraceRoute also displays the country of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute. SniffPass v1. BrowsingHistoryView allows you to watch the browsing history of all user profiles in a running system, as well as to get the browsing history from external hard drive. BrowserDownloadsView v1. BrowserDownloadsView allows you to load the downloads list from your current running system your user or all user profiles , from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
WebBrowserBookmarksView v1. WebBrowserBookmarksView allows you to load the bookmarks list from your current running system current logged in user or all user profiles , from remote computer on your network , and from external hard drive.
WebCacheImageInfo v1. ImageCacheViewer v1. FBCacheView v1. BrowserAddonsView v1. IECacheView v1. EdgeCookiesView v1.
It also allows you to select one or more cookies and then export them to tab-delimited, csv file, html file, or to a file in cookies. You can read the cookies from the current running system or from the WebCacheV IECookiesView v1.
In addition, it allows you to change the content of the cookies, delete unwanted cookies files, save the cookies into a readable text file, find cookies by specifying the domain name, view the cookies of other users and in other computers, and more When selecting a cookie string in the upper pane, WebCookiesSniffer parses the cookie string and displays the cookies as name-value format in the lower pane.
IEHistoryView v1. In addition, you are allowed to view the visited URL list of other user profiles on your computer, and even access the visited URL list on a remote computer, as long as you have permission to access the history folder. MZCookiesView v1. It displays the details of all cookies stored inside the cookies file cookies. MZHistoryView v1. MZCacheView v2. You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, and then extract the files to another folder, or copy the URLs list to the clipboard.
FirefoxDownloadsView v1. ChromeCookiesView v1. ChromeHistoryView v1. SafariHistoryView v1. SafariCacheView v1. OperaCacheView v1. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last accessed time, and last modified time in the server. ChromeCacheView v2.
FlashCookiesView v1. For each cookie file, the lower pane of FlashCookiesView displays the content of the file in readable format or as Hex dump. MyLastSearch v1. URLStringGrabber v1.
You can also copy the URLs list into the clipboard and paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application. IEDesignMode v1. When a Web page in in design mode, you can change the location of images and other objects, change the current text, paste a new text into the Web page, and so on. FavoritesView v1. ActiveX Compatibility Manager v1. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it for watching it in the future.
It automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers Including Firefox and finds all video files that are currently stored in it. If you have a movie player that is configured to play flv files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache. By combining this utility and the proxy server of RTMPDump toolkit, you can simply open a Web page containing RTMP video stream in your favorite Web browser, and while watching the video, it'll be saved to your disk automatically as.
RTMP is a streaming protocol used by Hulu, justin. SoundVolumeView v2. AppAudioConfig v1. This tool displays your current audio settings of every application on your system, and allows you to easily change the setting of multiple applications at once. Volumouse v2. It allows you to define a set of rules for determining when the wheel will be used for changing the sound volume. For example: You can configure Volumouse to use your mouse wheel for volume control when the Alt key is hold down, when the left mouse button is down, when the mouse cursor is over the taskbar, and so on When the conditions that you define are not satisfied, your mouse wheel will be used for the regular scrolling tasks, exactly as before.
InstalledCodec v1. WebVideoCap v1. This utility allows you to capture. After the entire video file is downloaded and played by the Web browser, the video file is saved in the folder that you selected, and you can play it offline later with any Video player. DownTester v1. It automatically test the download speed of the URLs that you choose, one after another.
It moves to the next download URL after the specified number of seconds has been elapsed or after it downloads the specified amount of KB - just according to your preferences. NetConnectChoose v1. HostedNetworkStarter v1. With the wifi hotspot created by this tool, you can allow any device with wifi support to access the network and the Internet connection available in your computer. IPNetInfo v1. This utility can be very useful for finding the origin of unsolicited mail. You can simply copy the message headers from your email software and paste them into IPNetInfo utility.
WhoisThisDomain v2. It supports both generic domains and country code domains. IPInfoOffline v1. It uses a compressed IP addresses database that is stored inside the exe file. DNSDataView v1. QuickSetDNS v1. You can set the desired DNS servers from the user interface, by choosing from a list of DNS servers that you defined, or from command-line, without displaying any user interface.
MACAddressView v1. FastResolver v1. You can simply type the list of IP addresses or host name that you want to resolve, or alternatively, you can specify IP addresses range that you want to scan.
FastResolver is a multithreaded application, so it can resolve dozens of addresses within a few seconds. WebSiteSniffer v1. It automatically creates hidden window of Internet Explorer, loads the desired Web page, and than save the entire content of the Web page into an image file.
You can use SiteShoter in user interface mode, or alternatively, you can run SiteShoter in command-line mode without displaying any user interface. SeqDownload v1. After collecting a fair amount of images, you can easily create nice animation from the downloaded images.
This utility is especially useful for live cams Web sites, weather radar images, and satellite images. AddrView v1. TagsReport v1. JavaScript Animator Express v1. The animation is achieved by creating a simple HTML page with JavaScript animation, and running it on your default browser. CustomizeIE v1.
TurnFlash v1. MIMEView v1. For each MIME type, information about the associated file extension and installed plugin is also displayed. Command-Line Utilities NirCmd v2. GetNir v1. SoundVolumeCommandLine v1. WirelessNetConsole v1. BluetoothCL v1. RegFileExport read the Registry file, ananlyze it, and then export the Registry data into a standard. You can export the entire Registry file, or only a specific Registry key.
RegFileExport may also be able to export some of the Registry data even when the Registry file is corrupted and cannot be loaded by Windows. RunFromProcess v1. The program that you run will be executed as a child of the specified process and it'll run with the same user and security context of the specified parent process.
AtNow v1. WhosIP v1. WhoisCL v1. SNRemove v1. NET exe and dll files. DumpEDID v1. You can also get the EDID records of a remote computer, if you login to this computer with administrator rights. The upper pane of GUIPropView displays all top level windows, and when you select a window in the upper pane, the lower pane displays the list of all child windows of the selected top level window. You can also select one or more windows and then do some actions on them like close, hide, show, minimize, maximize, disable, enable, and so on FileTypesMan v1.
It displays the list of all file extensions and types registered on your computer. FileTypesMan also allows you to easily edit the properties and flags of each file type, as well as it allows you to add, edit, and remove actions in a file type. ShortcutsMan v1. Broken shortcuts shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist are automatically painted with pink color. OpenWithView v1. When application is disabled, it won't be displayed in the 'Other Programs' section of the 'Open With' dialog-box.
This utility can be useful if your 'Open With' window displays too much applications, and you want to remove the applications that you don't use frequently. SpecialFoldersView v1. This utility displays the list of all special folders in your system, and allows you to easily jump to the right folder simply by double-clicking the folder item.
WinLister v1. For each window, some useful information is displayed: the title, the handle of window, location, size, class name, process number, the name of the program that created the window, and more In addition, you can easily hide, show or close the selected windows, or save the windows list to text or HTML file. InsideClipboard v1. The main clipboard application of Windows only display the basic clipboard formats, like text and bitmaps, but doesn't display the list of all formats that are stored in the clipboard.
InsideClipboard is a small utility that displays the binary content of all formats that are currently stored in the clipboard, and allow you to save the content of specific format into a binary file. Clipboardic v1. Later, when you need the copied data again, you can simply select the right clipboard file, and Clipboardic will automatically insert it into the clipboard. Clipboardic also allows you to easily share the clipboard data between multiple computers on your local network.
CustomExplorerToolbar v1. This utility also allows you to remove the toolbar buttons that you previously added. NirExt v1. It allows you change the icon of any folder you want, and change the text that appears when the mouse cursor moves over the folder. It allows you to instantly run an application with command-line and some other options.
It allows you to instantly create a shortcut and drop it into one of the following folders: Desktop, Start Menu, Programs folder under Start Menu, Common Desktop for all users , Common Start Menu for all users , and Common Programs folder for all users under Start Menu. This feature is known as 'AutoComplete' and Outlook automatically build this emails list according to user activity and save it into a file with.
NK2 extension. NK2Edit is a real NK2 editor that allows you to modify all fields in NK2 file, delete unwanted records, add new records, repair corrupted nk2 files , merge 2 or more NK2 files into a single NK2 file, and more OutlookAttachView v3.
You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take too much disk space in your mailbox. OutlookStatView v2. OutlookAddressBookView v2.
OfficeIns v1. You can easily copy the memory address of the desired function, paste it into your debugger, and set a breakpoint for this memory address. When this function is called, the debugger will stop in the beginning of this function. GDIView v1. It displays the total count for each type of GDI handle, as well as detailed information about each handle. This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace GDI resources leak in their software.
HeapMemView v1. This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace memory leaks in their software. DeviceIOView v1. SimpleProgramDebugger v1. RuntimeClassesView v1. When selecting a Windows Runtime class in the upper pane, this tool tries to get the list of interfaces implemented by the selected class and the list is displayed in the lower pane.
Disk Utilities SearchMyFiles v3. SearchMyFiles allows you to make a very accurate search that cannot be done with Windows search. For Example: You can search all files created in the last 10 minutes with size between and bytes. DriveLetterView v1. It also allows you to easily change a drive letter of USB devices and remote network shares, as well as to delete a drive letter of USB device that is not plugged.
DiskCountersView v1. It also displays general drive information, like disk name, partition number, partition location, and so on. AppReadWriteCounter v1. FileActivityWatch v1. FileAccessErrorView v1. DiskSmartView v1. T information S. You can use the S. T information retrieved by DiskSmartView to find out whether there is any significant problem in your disk drive. FreeSpaceLogView v1.
This tool only works for NTFS formatted disks. AlternateStreamView v1. AltStreamDump v1. By using a few command-line options, you can also instruct AltStreamDump to displays the alternate streams list of other folders and to scan subfolders in the desired folder depth NTFSLinksView v1. This utility simply shows you to list of all symbolic links and junctions in the specified folder, and their target paths.
FoldersReport v1. You can use this utility to easily find out which folders use the most space in your drive. You can scan the folders of your local drives, CD-ROM drives, and network resources on a remote computer. System Utilities WinUpdatesView v1. You can do these actions from the user interface or from command-line, without displaying user interface.
MultiMonitorTool also provides a preview window, which allows you to watch a preview of every monitor on your system. ControlMyMonitor v1.
You can modify the monitor settings from the GUI and from command-line. You can also export all settings of your monitor into a configuration file and then later load the same configuration back into your monitor. ManageWirelessNetworks v1. It displays extensive information about every wireless profile on your system, even if the network adapter is not active.
ManageWirelessNetworks also allows you to edit a single profile with the standard editor of Windows, edit the XML of the wireless profile For advanced users only! PropertySystemView v1. For example, you can change the 'Media Created' timestamp stored in.
PropertySystemView also allows you to set properties of Windows. For example, you can set the System. ID property of a window in order to disable the taskbar grouping of the specified window.
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